How Regular, Everyday Americans Are Buying Their Dream Homes Below Market Value In As Little as 90 Days

How Regular, Everyday Americans Are Buying Their Dream Homes  Below Market Value In As Little As 90 Days

How Regular, Everyday Americans Are Buying Their Dream Homes 10%, 15% and Even 20% Below Market Value

The American Dream is NOT Dead. You Just Need to Hack It!

Let's be real.  If you're trying to buy your family home in today's market... sucks.

Maybe, you've been to countless auctions, standing shoulder to shoulder with desperate bidders, where a house—frankly, not even up to your standards—gets slapped with a staggering price tag.  And the thought of vying with hundreds of others, only to see it slip through your fingers, can be downright discouraging.

Or the joy you had getting pre-qualified, has long gone as your realtor drives you 50 minutes out of your desired neighbourhood to try to find a house in your budget.  Then combined with climbing interest rates, it can feel like a double whammy. You're not just any buyer; you're informed, prepared, and have the means for a down payment. But despite all that, the financial landscape isn't on your side.

Or the joy you had getting pre-qualified, has long gone as your realtor drives you 50 minutes out of your desired neighbourhood to try to find a house in your budget.  Then combined with climbing interest rates, it can feel like a double whammy. You're not just any buyer; you're informed, prepared, and have the means for a down payment. But despite all that, the financial landscape isn't on your side.

Remember people camping out overnight to get the latest iPhone? That's the housing market for you right now. By the time you spot your dream home, it's sold faster than T-swift tickets on release day. And even when you're quick on the draw, it's whisked just out of your budget's reach, leaving you to restart the hunt.

Imagine, if there was a way to buy your family home where... 

  • You don’t have to work with realtors and cut them a check.
  • You don’t have to rely on listings.
  • You don’t have to bid on houses against other homebuyers.
  • ​You certainly don’t have to overpay for a home.
  • ​You don’t have to hope & pray you find a home you like.
Well there is…

I’m going to tell you the BIG IDEA behind Hacking the American Dream that helped me buy over 300 houses at a discount…

I spent the last 6 years fine-tuning the process and turning it into a step-by-step system that works for anyone, no matter where they’re located, no matter what kind of budget they have…

Maybe I should say it’s a BIG SECRET most Americans aren’t privy to… until now.

Right now, as you’re reading this very page…

There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of real estate.

The recent state of the world has shifted everything. This has created a massive demand for buying houses below their market value without competing with other investors.

Now, what some investors have figured out is that you can buy homes that are NOT listed on sites like Zillow… many times homes are not even for sale…

But you can still buy them.

Hey, my name is Ryan Dossey…

And I have a confession to make…

I’ve used hacks, tricks and legal loopholes, usually reserved for real estate investors, to buy beautiful homes at a discount.

I’ve helped hundreds of other investors and hedge funds save tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars on the purchase of a house.

But if I’m being totally blunt with you…
That’s great and all…

But getting a family into their dream home is 100X more exciting to me.
Now, you have the opportunity to use the same hacks, tricks and legal loopholes to buy the house of YOUR dreams tens of thousands of dollars below market value…


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet 😊

 So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of working In Real Estate for over 8 years now.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors … but mostly around your work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS course.

And yes, this does require you to follow the steps laid out in this course. But if you’re looking to buy your first or next home at a discount, this is my tried, tested and proven method.

 With that said, I'd like to introduce you to....

Hacking the AMERICAN Dream

  • Over 50 Video Lessons to walk you through my proven processes
  • Contracts and Templates so that you know exactly what to say to potential vendors and agents.
  • Live Calls to answer your questions so that you don't make costly mistakes
  • Exclusive Facebook group for support as you work towards getting your dream home.

Total value $597

Normally $199

SAVE 60%

You Can Have Your Dream House Using a Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m Going to Share With You In This Course…

The same model Real Estate professionals from all over the world are now using to buy homes at a price THEY want…

The good news is, this model is repeatable by regular, everyday Americans who just want to save money when buying their new house…

… all while eliminating the guesswork so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT…

Which is to:
  • STOP renting
  • Get their families into the BEST school districts
  • Get a 10, 15 and even 20% discount on their DREAM home
Like My Buddy, Wess, Who Saved Over $410,000 On His Dream Home
This house is amazing…

It’s over hole #1 at their local golf course.

The house is worth $1,260,000…

And Wess and his family are into it for less than $850k.
And Matt, Who Saved Almost $185,000
We got him and his family into their dream house in New York City!

This place is valued at over $800,000…

And we got them into it for under $615k…

But here's the cool part…

They HAD to be in this neighborhood for family reasons and there was NOTHING on the market…

But that didn’t matter.

Using the same strategies I’ll tell you about, we still found them a beautiful home in their perfect location.
I’ve Even Did This for My Sister And Her Husband, Who Saved $20,000
Here’s their situation…

They had to move to St. Louis for work but had a tight budget of $200,000…

They couldn’t find anything that wasn’t from a rough neighborhood or falling apart.
We applied the strategies and got them into a house worth around $170,000 for just $150,000.

The good news doesn’t stop there…

The $20,000 leftover didn’t go to realtors… it went to upgrades they made around the house.
Can you imagine…
Having tens of thousands left over after buying your dream house?
That money can either go to better schooling…

Family vacations…

A new car…

All without a second thought!
And that’s where the system revealed in the course comes in… 

and that ANY American can replicate to buy their dream house at a fat discount.
It does this beautifully in 4 simple steps…
  • Figure out what type of house you want and where you want it.
  • Figure out who owns it.
  • Contact them.
  • ​Negotiate a deal.
And I promise it's even easier than it sounds. You don't have to be a real estate expert. I'm literally going to walk you through the entire process step-by-step. Heck -- I'll even show you how to use this process WITH a real estate agent and still find your dream home and save a ton of money! 

And that’s the difference here.

When you approach homebuying using this system, the dream of your first or next house becomes attainable.

Homebuying the traditional way is going to force you to compete with other home buyers… bid higher than others… cut a 6% check to a realtor…

I’m not saying the traditional way to buy a home is bad.

What I’m saying is that if your goal is to afford a house you would LOVE to live in, in a place you would love to be, doing things the old way might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Just a Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such a Model Existed...

… But, today I know better.

I’m using this model every single day… my clients, my students… all of them are using these strategies to make a living as Real Estate Investors…

They’re making hundreds of thousands of dollars… even millions every year using this strategy…

And while the money is good…

They’re also using the same strategies to buy their Forever Homes.

And I honestly couldn’t be happier!

I promise you this…

Anyone can get their dream house at a discount with the right model.

I’ll Teach You How to Hack The American Dream to Buy Your First or Next Home For Just $77 Today…

I’ll Teach You How to Hack The American Dream to Buy Your First or Next Home For Just $77 Today…

Why only $77?

Because, like I said at the beginning of this page…

I can make millions through this system… my clients can make millions…

But what truly lights a fire in me is seeing a family achieve a life-long dream.


I’ve been in your shoes. There was a time I could barely pay a $500 mortgage…

I know it’s not fun when you’re always fantasizing about moving…

It’s not fun to know the rent is KILLING your financial stability…

And the thing is, it’s not your fault.

This information isn’t broken down in a simple, easy-to-understand manner that anyone could grasp in an instant and use it for their own benefit…

But you deserve the clarity…

You deserve the confidence…

And you deserve to live in a home that you love with your family.

$77 is a symbolic amount…

Because it means you have a little bit of skin in the game…

I’ve learned the majority don’t value “free” and never take action on the information even though it can change their lives...

So that’s why you can get Hacking the American Dream for just $77 today.


Try Hacking the American Dream with zero risk

If you implement EVERYTHING I show you and don't find opportunities in your market, I'll not only refund you - but I'll also give you $200 for wasting your time
That's how confident I am!

Ready to Have the House You Want, 
Where you Want,
At the Price You Want?

Ready to Have the House You Want, 
Where you Want,
At the Price You Want?

  • Over 50 Video Lessons to walk you through my proven processes
  • Contracts and Templates so that you know exactly what to say to potential vendors and agents.
  • Live Calls to answer your questions so that you don't make costly mistakes
  • Exclusive Facebook group for support as you work towards getting your dream home.

Total value $597

Normally $199

SAVE 60%

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